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One hundred percent can recyclable flexible packaging become
Time:2018-04-21 17:46Click:
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Optimization of soft packaging recovery
At present, the complete recovery of aluminum components by Enval and the use of pyrolysis plastic parts process is the best solution to the disposal of multilayer packaging waste. However, the solution of plastic parts in other plastic materials has not yet been fully recovered.
By pyrolysis, the carbonized residue containing inorganic materials contains 80% liquid carbon and 20% gaseous carbon (because of the lack of oxygen in the chamber, the CO2 gas is not produced). Depending on liquid fuel / energy requirements, these carbons can be transported to different locations. The ash produced can be used as a component of the concrete premix and other products. Carbon can be used as fuel. Companies often import mixed waste into the pyrolysis chamber to generate fuel that may not be optimal.
The effective way to turn this liquid carbon fuel into more durable and highly integrated energy needs to be further studied.
Finding a more effective waste treatment process (especially in pyrolysis) for soft packaging, which has a lower impact on the environment, is a challenging task and is possible. As the soft packaging industry has made innovations, such as the use of biobased materials or the conversion of waste into energy, the cornerstone of further development has been laid in place.
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